Aakash Arasu

Written Work

My written work

A Man of the World

The sun touched my cheeks, a warm shower on a winter morning. It was six in the morning, and the sun was rising lazily, reluctant – I assume – to leave his own second AC seat after a long and comfortable journey across the sky. I could relate, though I must say a train ride across the sky seems way more exciting compared to my journey from Guwahati to Delhi. But, that’s not really possible, is it. I stood taking in the raw beauty, until a family of four rudely bumped past me. Hmph! They call me a dreamer, absentminded, and other such things, but I disagree. I am a real man of the world, if there ever was one, I take no shit from no one and give back as good as I get. A real man’s real man, if you will. Anyways, presently I tied my shoulder length wavy hair into a bun atop my head. It’s the delhi dust you see, not good for the sheen. I quite like my overgrown beard and hair, it makes me look wild. Like a carelessly powerful lion. He meanders slowly through his forest, not out of laziness or the inability to run, but because it is His forest.

I threw my stole over my shoulder and started lugging my luggage down the ramp leading out of the New Delhi Railway Station. Like flies to cow dung, or rather like lizards to flies, the auto drivers descended on me.

“Bhaiyya, where to go”s and “guesthouse ,hotel”s hit me from all sides. But I’m no fly, I’m a frikkin lion. Ain’t no lizard gonna hunt me down. I stared straight ahead and walked on with my head held high, shaking it once a while to let the reptiles know that the king did not require their assistance. Regal. I’d already checked the availability of a cab in my phone and I am not going to spend a rupee over three hundred. And one can be sure that delhi’s autos start at least twice the actual fare. My hand had started to hurt by now, my luggage you see, was weighed down by wisdom.

Books; I had a suitcase full of books. I stopped for a second to rest and switch hands, and at once the waiting lizard shot out its tongue.

“Bhaiya kidhar?”, he enquired, starting to pull the suitcase towards the auto.

I gave him the address, following in his wake.

“Phor hundred”

“Three hundred”

“Arey bhaiy-“

“Fir nahi chahiye”

“Acha theek hai, lekin sharing jayenge”

I nodded. No need to interact any further. He heaved the suitcase up or at least tried to. I watched, fingering the cigarette in my pocket, a marlboro red, classic; always.

“Pehla savari hai din ka”, he turned to me, having finally shoved the suitcase into the space at the back of the passenger seat of his auto.


“Haanji, to auto stand se nikalne ka fiphti lagta hai. Aap de dijiye to total se kaat lenge.”

“Change nahi hai”, I said, popping the cigarette in my mouth, “Panchsow hi hai”

“Change mai la dunga”

“Theek hai”, I said, handing him a five hundred rupees note. He took the money and walked back towards the station.

I threw my backpack onto the auto seat, sat down and brought out my trusty bronze lighter to light up my cigarette, wishing it was a joint. I get tired fast these days, gotta get back in shape. Even the lion needs to go on a hunt once in a while to show the pride who’s the boss. The family of four from before walked past my auto. The father with his downcast eyes, a dog without its master. Hachiko. I could almost see him standing at the office, hands folded, sloping shoulders, his boss chewing him out about his sub par tea. His ears hear the abuse, but he doesn’t. His mind is blank, he doesn’t mind the abuse. You see, he knows it’s a part of his job description, the words have no meaning, the boss could have been moaning in sexual pleasure for all he cared, the obedient dog never talks back. It knows that the master will never understand him, all he will see is his dog barking at him, which will infuriate him further. So what’s even the point in telling him that he had asked for coffee that morning.


On a more serious note, I don’t understand such a life. You toil and toil for a nameless, faceless company that never has, does, or will care for your well being, all so you can barely live in a precarious state of mediocre comfort. Pump out a couple of kids, unload your hopes and dreams onto them, exist till you have made sure your progeny follows the cycle you did and then pass away without making a mark on the planet. Forgotten like the dog you are. Actually even Hachiko was immortalized, calling someone like that hachiko is an insult to hachiko.

I put out my cigarette, shoved the butt into the spare cigarette box I always carried with me. They’re nonbio-degradable you see and we have to conserve the environment, each one of us. Presently though something else was bugging me. It had been ten minutes since the guy had left with my money and there was no sign of him returning. I stood on the footboard of the auto and peered towards the railway station, trying to find my guy in the sea of auto drivers. Did he just scam me? Is this the last I would see of him?

I wouldn’t put it past him. These auto-wallahs are basically just socially accepted scam artists. A year back, when I first set foot in this city, the first person to greet me was an auto driver who asked for eight times the real fare. Eight times!! I wouldn’t put it past them to try to out-wait me and take the five hundred rupees. There should be a system where the auto drivers aren’t allowed to pick up passengers themselves, rather they should be assigned passengers with a pre-paid receipt. Maybe something like that exists already. I do vaguely remember seeing something similar at the airport once when my driver came a few minutes late. I should have just flown as usual. None of this hassle with flights and chauffeurs. Not like I had a choice or anything-


Well, guess I shouldn’t judge too soon. Just because he’s an auto driver doesn’t mean he is a scammer. Then again I’m not exactly a pushover. These are shrewd master scammers, he must sense that he can’t fool me that easily.

“Doosra savari nahi mila”


“Ab to jyada lagega”

“Fir rehne do”

“Fiphty to kat diya already, total three fiphty lagega”

“Theek hai fir chalo”, well it’s just fifty rupees, and he probably needs it more than I do anyway.

It’s also getting dreadfully late. I wished to be at home and in bed as soon as possible, fifty is a small price to pay for that. Well we jumped in and left at once, the deal was done- why wait?

Early mornings in Delhi are quite tolerable, empty roads and relatively empty sky. The wind in your hair as you zoom past empty crossroads, if you don’t mind your hair falling out in a few years that is. A good set of earphones won’t go amiss on these auto rides either, to drown out the dying-granny groan of the engine or the bhojpuri crap these auto wallahs love to listen to. I plugged in mine and played my favourite song, ‘Right in Two’ by the band ‘Tool’. There’s an accompanying animated video for it on youtube, now this, this is real art. It has a message, a meaning, a reason to exist other than fair skinned bhojpuri kamariyas. The most important message of all if you ask me. Don’t worry I’ll tell you what it is.

We humans have created everything from basic society to international societies called religion. We say that at the core these societies are ideas of peace, utopia and equality. In reality all this is just a facade that we created, we’re just apes who divide everything we see in our attempt to be the alpha. That’s all we are. Apes. We see a pretty ape and want it for us and us alone. We see a juicy banana and now we want the pretty ape and the juicy banana. We see a baby ape performing unbelievable somersaults and now we want a pretty ape, a juicy ape and a baby ape who can perform unbelievable feats. Along comes another ape who shows us how helping it will help us get a pretty ape and ensure she doesn’t leave, get all the juicy bananas we’ll ever need and be able to get the best somersaulting apes to teach our baby ape. Before we know it we’re in a team of apes blindly helping another ape get the juiciest bananas, the prettiest apes and the best teachers for their baby apes that we can only fantasise about.

More people need to realise this. My auto driver, that guy at the station, and crores of other such people. Not me though, oh no. I am not the same, I am the antithesis of the ape. I am the lion. I don’t work for someone else, to fulfill someone else’s dreams. No. Every breath I draw, every drop of my sweat, every cell of my brain is spent as I wish, when I wish, and for what I wish.


The auto had stopped. My house loomed in front of me, a citadel of dark teal looming above the ocean of sickly gray that the city was. I looked up at the window of my room on the second floor. My mother had left the fairy lights on like I had told her to. I grabbed my backpack and walked up to the front door past the saluting guard at the gate, he’d get my suitcase. My thin hands looked like a stick man animation pushing the heavy oak door’s ornately carved handle. Mother was waiting for me in the drawing room as usual.

“How was the trip?”


“Hmm, why did you come by auto instead of Uber? How much did it cost?”

I am getting tired of her already.

“Three fifty”, I say, as I start climbing the stairs.

“Three fifty for a two hundred rupees trip?! Hmph! I told your father to just book a flight and cab as usual- Wait! Where are you off to? Tell me how college was. . .”



I typically reply to all email inquiries within 24 hours.

Shikari Shambu and Shikari Bambu (First Draft)

Shikari Shambu woke up suddenly. That smell could mean only one thing! He slowly brought his right leg over his left and rolled off the hammock, to land on all fours. He floated towards the kitchen in a daze. He could almost feel the texture of the meat and taste the juices in his mouth as he followed the smell. He entered the kitchen drooling like a hungry dog.
“Biriya- WOAH”
“You stay right there mister,” said Shanti, brandishing a hot ladle like a cross to a vampire.
“Bu-but chicken biryani,” pleaded the half asleep Shambu.
“The VEG biryani is not done yet,” said Shanti, “We need to watch our weight and if you hadn’t slept while I was talking. . .”
But Shikari Shambu had stopped listening at “veg”. 

‘What was it?’ He thought, ‘what was my sin? Why am I being punished? Is it something I did? Wait, there was an anthill under my hammock! Maybe I had crushed an ant when I fell off of it! That’s it! Oh God almighty please forgive this stupid little man. I didn’t mean to sin. I can only be saved by your divine sav-‘
“Shambu! O Shambu!!!”

“Hey isn’t that the zoo keeper, Manju?” Shanti asked, looking out the window. “Wonder if it’s some emergency. . .”

“Emergency” mumbled Shambu.
“What?!! Speak louder or don’t open your mouth,” Shanti chided, “now pull yourself together here’s Manju. Hi!”

The zookeeper had walked up to the window.
“Hi there Shanti! That smells grea-“
“EMERGENCY!!!” Shambu screamed, leaping out of the window at Manju. He grabbed her by the hand and started briskly jogging towards the gate, “ESCAPED TIGERS! BABOON ATTACKS! WOLF PACKS! GRIZZLY BEARS!!”
“Wait! shambu!! What about the biryani?! Shanti shouted after Shambu.

“You eat it!” Shambu shouted over his shoulder, “but don’t eat all of it, you need to watch your weight. Leave my portion near the anthill under the hammock. And remember, every life is important, no matter how small!”. He disappeared out the gate dragging Manju along.

“Wait, what?” Shanti stood baffled, staring at the place Shambu was standing a moment. “Did working with all those crazy animals finally get to him?” she sighed.

Outside the gate Manju snatched her hand out of Shambu’s hands grip. 

“What was that all about?! There’s no emergency and I wanted a taste of that delicious smelling biryani”

“That was the emergency Manju, that was the emergency.” Shambu sighed in relief.

“Whatever!”Manju threw her hands up in exasperation. “Now that we are already here, let’s go to the zoo. It’s not far and there’s someone I want you to meet.”

Shambu was too busy muttering about curses and veg biryanis to pay Manju any attention.

They reached the zoo in a couple of minutes. Suddenly Shambu realised they were in the zoo and he didn’t know why

“Umm, why are we at the zoo again?”

“Weren’t you listening? I want you to meet one Shikari Bambu, he’s here to oversee the import of our zoo’s newest member!”

“Another fan?” scoffed Shambu “let me guess he’s named after m-” 


“Boo yes, bamboo! He is named after his love for bamboo” exclaimed Manju, turning around to look at the sharp hunter. “Oh my god you and your quirky sense of humour!! You could have just said bamboo! Didn’t have to trip and fall over one. Probably what they mean by eccentricities of geniuses!”

“Hehe, yes that’s, uh, what I meant to do. . .hehehe”

“Anyways, the bamboo thickets you see around you have been specially planted for our new guest; and here is the man of the hour, Shikari Bambu himself!”

In a clearing among the bamboo thickets stood a man completely identical to Shikari Shambu, barring his build. He was lean like a marathoner where Shambu was round like a beach ball. Other than that they were identical from their boots to the squiggly moustache.

“Hey you must be Shikari Shambu,” he said extending his hand, “I’ve heard a lot about you from Manju.”

“And I have heard about you,”said Shambu, taking Bambu’s hand. His mind of course was elsewhere. ‘Hmm, not bad,’ he thought, ‘Maybe I should follow that diet Shanti was suggesting after all.’

“OK then I will leave you two to it, gotta get back to welcoming the new guest” said Manju, backing off around a huge thicket of bamboo next to them.

“Yep, you do that, I’ll uh. . . . Show him around” replied Bambu leaning around the thicket, watching her leave, “Aaaand she’s gone. Come on, Shambu, I’ll show you something.”

‘I hope it’s not more bamboo’ thought Shambu, ‘I feel like I’ve seen enough for this lifetime.’

Shikari Bambu led Shikari Shambu away from where Manju was headed, to a smaller clearing.

“I’ve heard you’re a great food connoisseur. I’m one myself!” Exclaimed Bambu, turning around abruptly. “I have requested you to come here today to show you one of my favourite dishes!”

“Wait a second! That smell!!”Shambu said, putting his nose in the air like a dog.

“Yes, I present to you Moongil Biryani”

“Moon gills what?” Asked a perplexed Shambu.

Moongil Biryani, moongil is bamboo in Tamil-“

“Wait what? Not you too!” cried Shambu in distress, “why does everyone want to feed me vegetarian biryani? I’m NOT eating any bamboo!!”

“Haha, its ok, I’m not trying to feed you any. Here, I’ll show you.” Bambu moved aside to show a section of wide bamboo, with only one side open, sitting on burning coals. There were leaves stuffed into the opening. Bambu bent down to blow on the coals a bit, then turned to Shambu again. “It’s called Bamboo Biryani because the biryani is cooked inside a bamboo. Come on, I’ll show you how while it cooks.”

He started walking towards a thicket of particularly thick bamboo, and Shambu followed reluctantly.

Bambu launched into a detailed recipe, “What you need is a really thick bamboo but you have to make sure the walls are not too thick because. . . ” 

‘Oh God why? It was only one ant! Why do I have to suffer so before I get my hands on some nice Biryani. Why-‘


“Hey! Hey Bambu!! Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“The rustling noise!!”

“No. Probably just the wind anyway. Getting back to what I was sayin-“

Grrrrrrrr. . .

Both Shambu and Bambu froze. They slowly turned and looked at each other. Both gulped and turned around to face the source of the growling and screamed, “IT’S A MONSTEERRRR.” 

Bambu jumped into Shambu’s hands, but unfortunately for both of them, Shambu had decided to carry out a similar manoeuvre at the exact same time. They collided midair and fell onto the ground, in a sprawling heap, at the panda’s feet.

“Oh my! Thank God you’re safe,” Manju has just arrived at the scene with a couple of zoo officials, “See, I told you they were both genius Shikaris. The panda had just escaped and these two already laid a trap of cooking spices to entice the curious animal.”

“In a bamboo at that, talk about improvising,” said the first zoo official, extending a hand to Shikari Shambu.

“Not only that, they added their body masses together and made loud noises to show they’re the bigger animal,” praised the second official, extending a hand to Shikari Bambu.

“But they stayed low, on the ground to prevent the panda from getting agitated,” said Manju, petting the panda who was now happily playing with Manju’s hat. “True geniuses, I tell you.”

Neither Shambu nor Bambu were paying attention to any of the praise showered upon them. They had eyes for but one thing. With expressions that can only be described as heart broken, they were staring at the ‘trap’ that the panda had spilled on the ground.



The End


I typically reply to all email inquiries within 24 hours.

The Umbrella (First Draft)​

The door opens to a boy of twelve, charging in like the very devil was after him. Screaming in joy he launches at the family sofa.

“Looks lovely doesn’t it?”

“Yes, yes it does”

The couple watched on with weary smiles as their son played with the brightness control of a huge chandelier above the sofa, in the middle of the drawing room, of the bungalow. A bungalow, the likes of which they couldn’t even dream of renting a couple of weeks back. Suresh’s promotion almost coinciding with Nandy’s raise meant they could now afford the two-story bungalows in the suburbs.

“Even with our increased budget, don’t you feel like the rent is too little for such a big, fully furnished property?”

“Whaaaa. . .?” Nandy had already started exploring with her son, leaving her husband to daydream at the entrance.

“Never mind,” Suresh sighed to himself and went back down the stairs to the driveway where their luggage laden sedan was parked.

“Amma look at this” Roj was holding a big green cane-umbrella, the sort that you could picture an old man holding in a back and white photograph. 

“Put it in the usable pile”

Roj complied and put the umbrella in the smaller of two piles of everyday things. While exploring the house the two had come across a puzzling backyard storeroom that was filled with random everyday things, mostly in top conditions. There were clothes, toys, utensils, just about everything that one might need to live in the house. It was almost as if the previous family had just up and left, leaving their things behind. Suresh was all for throwing everything out, but Nandi and Raj had vetoed that decision on discovering some beautiful toys and drapery. Of course, Nandi said something about too much waste being dumped on the planet, reusing and such. All Suresh could do grumble and go to sleep on the couch. A nap that ended almost as soon as it had begun, with the tight slap from both mother and son on each butt cheek.


“Who said you could go to sleep mister?”

“Wha but I-“

“If you are not going to help us, go make dinner!”

“Aaaagh! Ok, ok I’m going!”

“Papa papa!”


“I don’t like this new dish!”

“Stop complaining and eat quietly!!”

Nandi sniggered into her food.

“Oh come on! Don’t you start as well!! You also make mistakes with salt in dal!”

“Ok ok.”

Nandy and roj sniggered. Suresh had always been sensitive to criticism of his cooking

“And why’s that dirty great umbrella hung on your chair anyway?” 

“Wha?” Roj turned around and found himself staring at the huge green umbrella from the store room.

“I told you not to take anything from the pile until we clean it!”

“But I didn’t get it amma!”

“Right, I guess it just grew legs and walked over here on it’s own”

“Mma uh dnt gdit”

“Don’t talk with food in your mouth-“


“What was that?”

“It came from above” Nandy was looking at the ceiling as though trying to look through it.

Suresh saw the opportunity to escape doing the dishes and dashed up the stairs in the blink of an eye.

“I’ll go check, you guys clear the table”

“Heyyyy don’t just go deciding by yourself!!” But Suresh was long gone by the time Nandy even realised what had just happened.

“Roj clear the table, amma is tired”

“But ammmmmaaaaa!!”

“Aey don’t talk back and do what you’re told”

Mandy washed her hands and turned towards the inviting embrace of the couch-


Nandy and Raj ran up the stairs to find Suresh standing at the entrance to Raj’s room glaring.

“Will you kindly explain the meaning behind this work of art Mr. Raj?”

Nandy and Roj approached the room warily. 

“Bu bu but-“


Nandy also felt her anger rising as she looked at the mess in the room. Dirty toys from the storeroom downstairs strewn across the room in various poses, as if struggling against nets. Of course the ‘nets’ in this case were Raj’s clothes. In the middle of this chaos was Raj’s suitcase, thrown open. Inside which, as if conducting the chaos, was a baby doll missing an eye. Nandy grit her teeth and controlled her anger.

“Clean your room. We’ll talk tomorrow. Suresh let’s go do the dishes”

Suresh walked away. Now was not the time to shout.

“But amma I didn’t do-“


Nandy promptly turned on the balls of her heel and walked away briskly after her husband.


She rushed down to find Suresh lying on the floor glaring at the umbrella.

“Who leaves an umbrella on the stairs?” 

“Our dear son, who else. Here, get up, we’ll talk to him tomorrow when we’re not this angry-“


Nandy had just bent over to pull Suresh up when the umbrella suddenly opened in her face.

“Ow!! What’s wrong with you?”

“I didn’t do anything! Damned umbrella must be broken. I told you we shouldn’t have taken any stuff from the storeroom”

He jumped up, went to the backyard door and threw it in the direction of the storeroom

“Let’s just go to sleep”


“Did you hear that?”

Nandy had her ear towards the storeroom, listening intently.


“I don’t know. Sounded like laughter.”

“You probably heard the umbrella fall or something. Come, let’s go sleep.”



The rocking horse turned to the legless action figure.

“Did you hear that? They thought Umbrella is broken!!”

“A disgrace to ghosts if ever there was one”

“Hehehe, what was he thinking of making a move before Baby and her gang.”

“Real pros those guys”

“Shame you lost your legs and had to leave”

“Yeah, anyway we better get in position”

As the rocking horse and the legless action figure made their way out of the storeroom, towards the house, they could hear a whimper from above.


“Wait a minute, did you hear that?”

“Yeah, it’s coming from the roof”

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.

“Hahahaha, he threw Umbrella on the roof”


“Should we get him down?”

“Nah, he deserves that. He’s useless anyways, we’re better off without him”

“You’re right, let’s go.”

Both the ghosts turned their backs to the Umbrella and continued towards the house.

“On the roof, hahahaha. . . . . .”


“Did you hear that just now?!!”

Suresh just turned in his sleep, mumbling.


“Suresh!! Listen!”

“Hmmm? What is it?”

“I think I heard someone talking downstairs.”

“What? Probably Raj. Go back to sleep.”

“No! I heard mumbling and then laughter! It’s not Raj. I’m going to check the doors.”


Just then a blood curdling scream rang out and then stopped mid scream.



Nandy almost threw herself out the door closely followed by Suresh. They burst into Raj’s room and slapped the lights on, only to be greeted by a surreal scene which stopped them dead. Surrounded by a semicircle of toys, on the floor, was Raj. But it was not this bizarre arrangement that had shocked the couple speechless. It was what held him down. The baby doll was sitting on top of him, pinning him down with it’s legs. One of its hands covering Raj’s mouth and the other hovering mid-air holding, the couple realised with a start, a knife. Nandy and Suresh were taking in this surreal scene, their brain knowing but struggling to understand, when, as one the toys began to turn their heads. 


The wood in them creaking as it bent beyond design. 

Suddenly the couple found themselves face to face with a dozen odd toys, all smiling madly. The baby doll’s head turned to one side and it’s mouth fell open. From within came a curious, gurgling, cute baby voice.


Then the laughter started.


The couple were frozen on the spot. Their brains struggled to comprehend the nightmarish scene in front of them. But Raj had already struggled with the baby doll for a few minutes now. His brain understood enough.

An adrenaline charged kick and Raj was flying towards his parents. The sudden movement broke the trance, Nandy grabbed Raj and Suresh slammed the door shut on the baby dolls hand just as it reached out to grab the boy.

“Nandy, get the car keys and go down. We’re leaving now!”

Nandy dashed into their room, grabbed the keys and then grabbed Raj and half ran, half jumped down the stairs.


The lights went out.




Hearing the screams Suresh doubled his efforts. He opened the door a bit and just as the baby doll’s hand had withdrawn to the wrist he banged the door shut breaking off the wrist. He quickly latched the door and fumbled his way down the stairs.


From the bottom of the stairs came a steady creaking noise. Then a whimper.

“There’s something here!”

At that moment, as if on cue, the whole room lit up momentarily as the family found themselves staring at the side of a toy rocking horse and an action figure riding it. Creaking back and forth. Darkness came again, blinding them. Nandy instinctively switched on her phone flashlight. Thunder boomed and the horse stopped mid creak.It turned, slowly, towards the family. The painted lips broke away in small pieces to reveal a crooked, ear to ear grin. The action figure raised a hand.


Suresh threw himself at his family and the three of them half tumbled, half sprinted across the room and out the bungalow. As they jumped into the car and drove away, never to return, the sky broke into a thunderstorm. The windows of the house beat in the wind. A drunk walking past would later swear that he heard the house laughing.

A couple of decades later.


“Told you it’s great”

“And cheap!”



“Yes, Ravi?”

“I love it.”

Shazia grinned at her boyfriend.

“Now, since I did all the house hunting you get to do all the shifting”


Shazia put two fingers on Ravi’s lips.

“Shhh! A deal is a deal.” She mockingly skipped to the couch in joy, plopped down, crossed her arms and looked expectantly at Ravi. He sighed and walked down the steps to get their luggage. True to her words Shazia lazed around, playing with the living room chandelier’s light control and saying random things like ‘Whoa! This light is so bright!!’and giggling whenever Ravi struggled past, dragging heavy suitcases. 

At last the shifting was done and they ordered food. Tired, Ravi went to bed at once. Meanwhile Shazia got to washing the dishes.


She froze, had she misheard or was that laughter? She started thinking of all the ghost stories and murder mysteries she’d ever heard of.

“Haha! Silly me.” 

She shook her head laughing at her own childishness. Regardless, she left the dishes for the next day. She switched off the lights and walked as fast as she could without running, to the bedroom upstairs. She opened the door and slammed it shut.

“Mmm? Shazia?”

The noise had woken Ravi up. She was about to tell him to go back to sleep when she noticed something next to Ravi.


The lights came on and Shazia screamed.

There was a baby doll with a knife poised to strike next to Ravi’s face. It had crazy smile on its face, and it’s one lifeless eye was fixed on its target. Ravi slammed his hand into the doll and jumped off the bed to stand next to Shazia. It was then they noticed the dozen or so other toys standing around the bed all staring at the only living beings in the room. Them.

The couple threw open the door and tumbled out. Ravi slammed the door shut and latched it.

“Downstairs!! And call the police or someone!!”

Ravi agreed and they’d just taken a few steps down the stairs when the bedroom door flew open. They turned and looked directly into the bloodthirsty, lifeless eyes of the doll and his gang. That was the last straw. Both ran screaming into the living room, Shazia grabbed the car keys and they ran out of the cursed bungalow.

“Haha! We didn’t even have to do anything Mr.Baby!”

The baby doll and his gang joined the rocking horse and the legless action figure in the dark living room.

“Yeah, the young joy ones are always easier to shock.”

The ghosts stood at the doorway, shielding their eyes from the usual wind and lighting, watching as the couple left, never to return.

Whoooooooooo. . . 

“What’s that noise?”

“What the-“

Suddenly a bright light lit up the living room, throwing shadows down the stairs.

“Weren’t the lights supposed to. . .”

The baby doll trailed off as he turned around and caught sight of the light’s source.

“What in the world?”

A huge disc of light was floating in the air spinning very fast. A piece of light came flying to hit one of the action figures squarely in the chest and sent it flying out the door.


The baby doll screamed at the group.


“N- no idea”

Two more pieces of light came flying at them.

Thup thup

The legless action figure was reminded of some foggy old story one of their victims was telling her kid.

“I- I think I heard something about some God and his spinning disc of vengeance. Vishu or Vishnu or- or something. . .”

By now the lights were coming at them three or four at a time, forcing them to retreat down the stairs.


The action figures were scared now, a few of them hurt from falling down the stairs.

“I’m not messing with any Gods”

“Me neither”

“Hey don’t get all superstitious on me now!”

But the baby doll couldn’t do anything as his gang ran for the gates. He of course was not about to risk fighting a ‘God’ over a house. The horse and the baby doll took off after their brethren. Never to return. The local drunk would later be declared mad and put in rehab.

Meanwhile inside the bungalow, the umbrella stopped spinning and jumped off the chandelier, now missing quite a few crystals, to land neatly on the couch.

“God eh? Not too bad for a ‘disgrace to ghosts’.”



The End


I typically reply to all email inquiries within 24 hours.